Morning invocation


Replenish my laughter

Renew my dedication

Reinforce my willingness

Recall my wonder

Revise my vision

Recant my whining

Review my virtues

Reinforce my faith

Revisit my goals

Rededicate my purpose

Revisit my mission

Repel my fears

Revamp my direction

Rekindle the holy fire

Remove my worrying

Re-finish my countenance

Repeat this invocation

Rearrange my song

Re-acquaint me with my dance

Refill my heart

Recall my joy and gratitude

Retool my attitude

Return my vigilance

Refresh my curiosity

Refurbish my energy

Redo my artistry

Retouch my spirit

Rebuff my fears

Regulate my energy

Remember my purpose

Redecorate my life  

Return my love for others


Dear Multiverse, (humour ?)

PicMonkey Collage

I need a “deep daily defragmentation”

of this body housing Soul

The fragments that are not loving

I wish them to depart.

I wish to be made whole.

The fragments of myself

that are not gentle, loving, kind.

I wish them to be gone.

I want them left behind.

From this day forward

From now, as the start…

I want to cast them out

(like right now)

I want them to depart.

I know my attitude

could use some more gratitude

and few re-boots too.

But, more than anything

I need a DDD

“deep defragmentation daily”

to improve my point of view.

I tend to run quite slowly.

I am not the newest model

But dear Multiverse,

my fav computer geek…

I need a huge clean-up

So I no longer doddle.

Could I have it now

As I speak?

The software, junk files, temporary files

It is all really way too much.

And those “KAL-wares” and malware…

They keep me out of touch.

I want to be more loving.

So with this “deep daily defragmentation

I could safely say.

I will be much more optimized.

I want to be of service.

All the viruses, trojans, and spyware

they really have me nervous.



FRACK me to my core.

I need a deep cleansing.

I want to love life more.

Do with me as you must.

I surrender all my spam,

spores, viruses, and bad attitude.

I surrender it with my trust.

I need a “deep, daily, defragmentation”.

I think I have found a way.

English: Demonstration of the fragmentation an...
English: Demonstration of the fragmentation and defragmentation. Deutsch: Demonstrierung der Fragmentierung und Defragmentierung. Русский: Фрагментация и дефрагментация файловой системы типа FAT. Nederlands: Een schematische voorstelling van een bestandssysteem dat gedefragmenteerd wordt. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I put a rock in my pocket (a journey of grief and healing)

Jasper rock gathering MaryHelen Ferris

Both of my parents loved the autumn.   They died within 60 days of each other.  I had not dealt with the grief.  I needed to go to the mountains.  I needed a rock in my pocket.   Here are the ramblings and tumblings of words in grief as I journeyed to find that rock.   Not knowing I would return to this place of grief and growth often, and especially in the autumn.

I watched the sky.
I wondered ‘why?’
I watched my pain
Formed into rain.
It renewed the earth as it fell.
The earth sprung up
Into the mountainous skies.
The beauty of the mountains acted  as shards to Soul.
I caressed the shards with my eyes; wanting them  to cut deep.

Cut away the dross.

Cut away the loss.
The peaks were covered with misty fog.
The peaks were covered in rain.
The peaks were breathing in glorious snow.
I was very jealous.
I needed to feel that connected.
I wanted to lie on the top mountain peak.
I wanted to caress the forest’s floor.
I wanted to know.
I wanted to be.
I wanted to be real.
I craved renewal and purpose.
I needed to be free of the pain of your passing.
I wanted to feel.
I longed for a mission.
I had to have the compulsion to go onward.
I did not feel anything like that at all.
Then the Sun came out.
It silhouetted the trees
Covered them in a raindrop-halo which glistened.
While they danced in the breeze beauty poured over me,
  Beauty bombarded Soul, beauty went through me.
I drove away whole.
Now in the rear-view mirror
I have my direction.
I will return to the mountains
I will walk through the valleys and peaks.
I will do the next ‘right thing’.
I will be a mountain or raindrop.
Depending on the day.
I will be in touch with my life.
I will learn to say “no
To the needs of another
When my own needs are intense.
I will return to these mountains
when I need to get in touch
With my departed parents
Whom I longed to hold so much.
I put a rock in my pocket.

photo by Sonny Alfredo Galea
Jasper National Park photo by Sonny Alfredo Galea

Why visitors leave websites 9 reasons by Cendrine Marrouat via


9 Reasons Why Visitors Leave Websites and Never Come Back

manmadatcomputerI built my first personal website in 2003, when you still had to be knowledgeable about HTML. I was so proud of what I had achieved on my own with Microsoft FrontPage that I spent the first day staring at the site and sending its link to my friends and family. In a nutshell, I felt on top of the world.

That was until one of my friends brought me back to reality. Apparently, the animated gif of the mouse lifting weights on the landing page looked cheesy. And the browsing experience was very different depending on the size of the screen people used.

After my initial disappointment, I realized that designing a website was far from simple. If I wanted to be taken seriously, I had to do some research and educate myself.

Well, ten years and five websites later, self-education is far from over. However, I have used the lessons learnt from my beginner’s mistakes to understand how I can help others better.

While building a website has never been easier, thanks to platforms like WordPress, one truth remains. If you cannot grab the attention of your audience within a couple of seconds of them landing on your homepage, chances are your bounce rate will remain high.

Here are nine areas of concern that any company should address when thinking of creating or upgrading their website.



Cendrine Marrouat

Here I am at the beginning again

Gifts of the Beloved
Gifts of the Beloved

Here I am at the beginning again 

New cycles, 

new emotions, 

new season

new Me….

with a brand new insight of You. 

Have I told you lately that I love you?

Have I thanked you for all my blessings?

Have I mentioned that this renewal

makes me feel


I am here, at the beginning again.


How long have I loved you

English: This image was made by me in Blender ...
English: This image was made by me in Blender 3D and is used as an example of mirrors. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Roman mirror
Roman mirror (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Living Time
Living Time (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
    “How long have I loved you?
    Dear God, I don’t know.”
    You are on the road home now.
    Perhaps, it is by choice.
    You are living on the edge now.
    (You will not take up much space.)
    You are working with at-one-ment.
    You are not running a race.
    You are taking your time now.
    You are living and how.
    You have made your decision
    To be happy joyous and free.
    With regards to the future
    “Just let it be.”

Why pick the jerk?

The Jerk
The Jerk (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Could it be he is compassionate

when there is no audience?

Could it be he is Mr Right?

Could it be he is “Mr-Right-Now?

There are many reasons to pick the jerk

I used them all.

I allowed myself to be used by them.

I value myself today.

I was a jerk to myself

to not adhere to the warnings.

I was so busy enjoying the “warmings”.

Now, it is a narrower path…

more serene…

sometimes filled with memories of the jerk.

Perhaps, I picked them for the adventure.

Perhaps, I will open my eyes

instead of my thighs next time.

Or perhaps I have learned the lessons.

Now, I can stand alone with the Creator.

Now, I can stand up for myself.

Now, I can be alone with the Alone.

I will continue my affair with all of life…
All my life.

I will take the risk.

I will believe in romance.

I will pick the jerk.

Given half  the chance…

Oh, being a crone is a marvelous time.

There are lessons to learn.

All of them mine.

The hermit thanks the traveler – loners on the trail 55,587 views all-time –

Mountain trail
Mountain trail (Photo credit: ravitch)
view from Tully Mountain, Massachusetts
view from Tully Mountain, Massachusetts (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

55,587 views all-time

that means 55,587 people

stopped to read the story

in the form of a poem

that my heart dictates to my fingers

and reaches out to you dear traveler, the loner on the trail.

Mountain trail marking in Alpstein
Mountain trail marking in Alpstein (Photo credit: puyol5)